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Countdown Special Ops

More expert games

Countdown Special Ops

Game category
1-6 players
30 minutes per mission
12 years and up
Supportive links
special ops: Vince

Strategic * * * *
Tactical * * * * *
Luck factor **
Special features:
100% modular game set up
cooperative game
real time mode
traitor mode
campaign mode
scenario settings
multiple levels


"Hi, my name is Vince Armstrong. I am just a pretty fast fellow. If you have me in a mission, I can move faster and take another op with me. When I have improved my specialty skills - only possible when I am on a campaign or doing a scenario of missions - than I can take two or more special ops with me. One other great thing about me is that I can get into an area unseen. This is great. This way I can bring specialized ops to target areas unseen. Steve, the bomb expert, likes to work together with me. Sorry, but right now I have to run. See you guys later........"


Check out the other ops at the special ops page

Experiencing Countdown Special Ops will be a blast. Are your ready for it?

When and where can I get it?
Countdown special ops will be released in october 2013. The retail price in Europe will be a very competitive price of only EUR 29,95. It should be available in these shops, but make sure to give them a call or send them an e-mail before the release date. Check your local shop for more information about this great new title and make sure to reserve your own copy in time! The first release could become sold out quite fast. Don't say we didn't warn you! If you are also convinced that this game is a sure buy, just post it on BGG and send us an e-mail. We will make sure that your call will be noted.

