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CUBA has won the Dutch Game Award 2008!
Cuba has also been nominated for Dutch Toy of the Year 2008.

Category of game:
- Strategic boardgame
- Players: 2-5
- Duration: 75-120 minutes
- Age: 12 and up
- Strategic * * * *
-Tactics * * *
- Luck * *

CUBA is a strategic board game about booming trade in cigars, rum and exotic fruits. The many strategic possibilities make CUBA into a vary diverse game. You can score points by keeping up the law, but on the other hand you can gain influence in parliament by buying votes! Use your connections in the harbour and build up a thriving plantation. Make good use of the tactical possibilities of erecting buildings and choose your characters wisely!

Go to op Boardgamegeek for the review. Also James Castelli have made a review of the boardgame Cuba!

Game Designer: Michael Rieneck and Stefan Stadler
Graphics: Yvon-Cheryl Scholten
Translations:Ruud Kool and Hans van Tol

You can find a complete overview of dealers here.