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Zwarte Kater

Zwarte Kater (Black Tomcat)

The Black Tomcat is a fun game for the whole family as well as students.

Category of game:
- family game
- Players: 2-9
- Duration: 5-20 minutes
- Age: 4 and older
- Strategic *
-Tactics * * * *
- Luck * *

Let the cat out of the bag!
The Black Tomcat wants to play games with the mice – he is using cheese, bacon and chocolate to lure them to the game table. Sneaky and fast he is and the mice have to try and keep track of all the goodies.

This cat-and-mouse game guarantees a fun filled game time for all ages!

The game has only wooden parts and the characteristic illustration of the tomcat has Wesly Gibs’ name written all over it just like the illustrations he did for the popular card game Happy Cows!

Game designer: Steffen Mülhäuser
Illustrations: Wesly Gibs
Graphic design: Arenea Kunkeler
Translation: Ruud Kool

This game will be available in The Netherlands as of June 15, 2009. You can find a complete list of shops here.